
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Waiting Kids

I just started a separate page where I am going to be listing some waiting kids.  Please check it out!  So far, I have just one little boy listed and he's been waiting at least three years.  Please help me find his family!  Every child needs a family to love them and help them thrive.

Please email me if you want more information about the children on my waiting kids page.  The kids I'll be advocating for are part of China's waiting child adoption program and therefore many of them have minor and/or correctable special needs.  To find out more about China adoption and if you qualify to adopt a child from China, please read more here.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 89

We're on Day 89 of waiting for our LOA today.  I am starting to feel discouraged.  By tomorrow we are officially at the outer limit of the average time it takes to get LOA.  In our minds, our littles are already part of our family and we are so, so ready to bring them home!  

In the middle of last week I was really feeling bummed about how long we've been waiting for LOA until  I realized that our kids have been waiting for a family for almost four years.  That really puts it in perspective for me.  Four years.  To be so little with no mama or papa to tuck you in or kiss your boo-boos.   It makes me so very sad...and while it also makes me feel impatient, I realize that 89 days really isn't that much.  And, maybe, just maybe it will come tomorrow!  (Then we could still be average!  Never thought I'd be striving for average.  Haha!) 

While thinking about how long our kids have been waiting for a family, my mind wanders to the other kids who haven't been chosen.  Some of these kids have been waiting far longer than our kids and the older they get, the less chance there is that they will be chosen by a family.  Stay tuned for some pics and short bios of waiting kids.  I think it's a good way for me to spend my time while we wait, don't you?  Maybe some other moms and dads will see *their* kid here...and there will be one less orphan.  

Friday, August 9, 2013

Almost there...C'mon LOA

Still no news, but our case manager from our adoption agency emailed yesterday to say that she thought our LOA (Letter of Acceptance, aka LSC or Letter Seeking Confirmation) was right around the corner!  Yay!  Today I spent about two hours today doing more paperwork for round two of immigration for our kiddos.  There were five forms for each child, plus other paperwork that just required signatures.  There were some funny things about the the part at the top of the visa registration form that says: "estimated burden: one hour".  I kid you not.  Hopefully you can see it in the top right hand corner?  

Also yesterday, two families we know visited the foster care facility where our son lives and got a lot of pictures.  Yay again!  Apparently the internet connection hasn't been that not much has come through but we did hear that he is happy and doing well.  Phew.  These are the things a mama worries about, even (especially!) when her kids are on the other side of the globe and she can't be with them to keep them safe.  There have been a lot of reports in the news lately about air quality and general environmental pollution in China.  This is so worrisome, especially as we are stuck in the process and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it!  Very frustrating.  We are so, so close to LOA and we hold on to the hope that it will come through any day!  

Sunday, August 4, 2013

As pregnant as a giraffe

We are on day 73 of waiting for LOA.  Average time is 30-90 days, so we are well within that timeframe, but we are so, so antsy!  We've been waiting for our son since September 2012 and our daughter since March 2013!  It feels like forever.  Apparently I have the gestational length of a camel or giraffe (13-16months)...let's hope we don't stray into dolphin territory (17-19 months)! 

It's been a long time since I've posted anything because, well, there hasn't been any news to report on the adoption front.  But, life goes on while we wait for the new additions and we've been busy!  

Mr. Incredible has been home with the boys as he is most summers and they've been having a great time together.   Fishing, kayaking, bowling, movies, shark tooth hunting and going to the pool to beat the heat have been the most popular activities.  The boys have been in swimming lessons most weekday mornings this summer and in the in-between times, we've managed to get away for a few short vacations. We spent a few lovely days on a large local river canoeing and camping with friends and also a few very hot days at the beach.  We were there over the Fourth of July and the kids got to hang out with their cousins, play in the waves, enjoy very noisy, bright, front row seats to some great fireworks and pig out at our annual visit to Five Guys.  We've made this a Fourth of July tradition because honestly, the burgers are so delicious that they're dangerous!  It would be easy to make a habit of it, so it's become one of our Fourth of July traditions and we look forward to it every year.   It's almost always followed by a trip to a local ice cream place...It's truly a day of gluttony!  This past week, the boys both are in camp while Mr. Incredible had meetings for work.

Based on conversations I've had with other moms in real life, by email and by some adoption forums I visit, it seems that things have really slowed down this summer for China waiting families.  The LOAs are the last part of things to be getting back on track apparently.  The US Consulate in China where our kid's visas are processed is closed for a week in July while they move, so they will have at least a week's worth of visa appointments to catch up on plus all the other work they usually have.  

This past week as we had to put a new transmission in the minivan and replace our washer, we felt sure that our LOA (and final fee along with it) would come any day!  In fact, as soon as I heard that the washer bit it, I called our agency, convinced that our LOA was "the third big thing".  But, there was no news and we continue to wait.   Everyday, we are hopeful that we'll get the call that our LOA has arrived and we can move on to the next step.  

In better news, some families we know are traveling soon, so that means that China's new computer system is working because their paperwork was processed and they will probably pick up their children in August.  These families also have kids who live in the same place as our son and we are hopeful that they will meet him and be able to tell us how he's doing.  

Hopefully next time I will have more (better) news to report!