This post is for all of you folks who keep asking me if we've heard any new news about the adoption. I wish there was something to "hear", but there isn't, at least not yet. Check back in at the end of the month and hopefully we'll have an update to share! For now, we hope and pray that the women who work at the place where our son lives are loving on him and taking good care of him. In spite of being many months into the process, we are still really at the beginning of our adoption timeline. We're almost done our homestudy and I've been busy getting documents notarized and authenticated (at the county, state and US State Department level!) so that they can all go to the Chinese consulate. Hopefully the graphic below will give you some idea of what comes after our homestudy and help you imagine the hoops we're busy jumping through. We're almost ready to send all our paperwork off to immigration (step4)!
I found this so incredibly helpful and intimidating. Cheering you on!